My He(ART)-Full Life

Sunday, February 27, 2011

this weekend...

(piecing together my curtains-aren't the fabrics  just gorgeous??)
Things have been super hectic over here and I can't help wondering where the time is going...I mean, it's already March!!! Much of this weekend has been spent with me obsessing over my patchwork curtains. I used to make cushions when I was a teen and I can put together a regular curtain but...patchwork requires a little something ...extra! I have all sorts of over the top stunning Indian fabrics so I pulled a little from my stash... I started pinning pieces together. There is no rhyme or reason to the colors...I don't know when I will have it done because I can only work on it when Tara is asleep. Yesterday afternoon I was sitting with the afternoon sun pouring through the windows, working on my curtains...a hot cup of tea nearby, Tim and Tara -poo taking a nap is good, you know:)
I have also been preparing for my class with Holly...Blogging Your Way. I am just bursting with excitement to meet all my wonderful classmates, be exposed to new ideas and blogs and...wish I would have felt this way about school back in the day!
Oh! My very low carb, absolutely no bread under any circumstances diet is still going on. Why is it that as soon as you eliminate something from your diet you start craving it soooo much????  I did cave in and have a half a slice of homemade thin crust pizza over at my neighbour Mary's the other night. That doesn't really count though..she had invited us over for dinner and I was just being polite:) Right????
Hope you all had a fantastic weekend whatever you did...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

replenish, renew, rejoice...filling up our souls

(painting in progess)
Lately I have been replenishing  mySELF and ... filling up my soul. For instance...
* I have been in major project mode lately...I don't know what's going on!!! I am decoupaging a cabinet, breathing new life into an old bulletin board and  planning on sewing patchwork curtains for my studio. I can't sew very well so I really hope I can pull the last one off:)
* I am following these journal prompts over here. This is just so amazing and freeing and wonderful. Please just take look and I think you will agree. I am on day 3...I picked an elephant armor and am having the most fun filling up my page. It's really opening up my heart and soul...pretty powerful stuff!
* I signed up for Blogging Your Way and am sooooo excited. My blog is in dire need of a make-over. Nothing drastic...maybe a more subtle change?
* I started a semi Atkins diet (no bread people!!). I seriously need to lose 10 lbs and ...well, I'll see how long I can keep it up. Also started a walking's pretty steep and hilly over here so ...lots of muscles working hard. Ouch!

*I have been drawing  a lot more lately...which I really really love. The whole process is challenging and meditative all at once...whole hours can just slip away. 
* I am working on a few interviews with ...amazing, extraordinary, over the top wonderful women. I plan on doing a's all still hatching in my mind and...I have a really good feeling about it. So excited!
* lately I am in the moment...rejoicing in gratitude for all the small and grand blessings in my life. You know the things we normally take for granted...good health, sunshine and flowers...a great book, hugs and smiles. Those kinds of things.
* loving up my little girl...enough to slowly slowly slowly...let her go. Tara is little Miss Independent these days. She wants to do everything herself from picking out her clothing to combing her hair. She want to wear her rain boots all the time...even on the sunniest of days. It makes her so happy happy. A sundress and rain boots...I think she can pull it off:) What do you think???
What are some of the things you do to replenish yourSELVES? Please share it with me and, as long as they don't involve eating chocolates, I will certainly try it!!
**EEEK!! I wrote this post earlier today but since then...Holly wrote a really sweet comment on my humble blog!!! Yes! THE Holly from decor8!!! I really happened right? I didn't just dream it up??!!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

clipboard photo frame DIY project-easy, beautiful + practical!!!

I have been doing lots of little projects that I have had on my to-do list for the longest time. This clipboard photo frame DIY is soooo cute...and super easy to do! I had read about it ages ago and finally got around to doing it. All you need are these things right here:

*a clipboard...I buy mine from Michaels (2$!!) but any one will do
*patterned paper (you can also use paint or your art journal pages or...)
* decoupage glue (I use Modge Podge)
* scissors, paper cutter
* embellishments (flowers, ribbon, buttons, etc)
* letters (chipboard, stickers, rub-ons...)
* a photo (s)
This project is really so super easy and fun...I want to make like..20 of them and put them all over the house:)
1. The first thing I do is remove the clip off the board. Then I go about picking different papers and embellishments that appeal to me. I decide on a blue/green color scheme with bits of pink thrown in.
2. I then measure and cut the papers and lay them on the board. I move things around quite a bit to get a pleasing layout.

3. When I am satisfied with the way things look, I use my decoupage glue and apply the papers to the board. Let dry completely.
4. In the meanwhile, I apply paint to the clip and also let dry. If you use acrylic paint, apply sealer over top when paint dries. Or you can go for a scratched up, weathered  look like I did!!

5. Now I really go a little over the top ...why not!! I add this gorgeous flower and lots of ribbons!

 6. I add letters...and use the decoupage glue to adhere them to the paper. You can then use the glue to seal the entire thing...I chose not to because I like it looking a little unfinished.

7. Complete decorating the clip. You can use ribbons or rub-ons or leave it completely plain. It's totally up to you. When everything is dry, I screw it back onto the clipboard.
8. Add photo!!!

All done!!! Here it is hanging up on the wall. The best part is that you can change out the pics whenever you want.
Tara just loves looking at this ...loves loves loves!!! I really hope you will try out this project...
*you can also use this idea to make an inspiration board, a to-do list, a mini art journal page to hang up on your wall...the possibilities are endless! (Thanks SooZe for the tip and reminder!!)...and they make great gifts too!
Okay...Tim has Tara for a few hours so I am off to work on my's still not all put together!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

are you listening?

" The way to maintain one's connection to the wild is to ask yourself what it is that you want. This is the sorting of the seed from the dirt. One of the most important discriminations we can make in this matter is the difference between things that beckon to us and things that call from our souls."
                                                                                                                -Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes

These past few weeks, as I have been searching for my painting style, I have been asking mySELF...what is calling me? My soul has been talking and I have been listening. Like so many many of us, I haven't always listened. There have been times in my life when I have ignored, stuffed down, shrugged off and dismissed...mySELF. Do you know what I mean? But no more. Life is just  too short and as I get older...uh! I mean wiser (more courageous!!! )...I find mySELF listening. Not that it is easy. It is really difficult finding the time, space and energy to balance motherhood, marriage, blogging, painting... but it is necessary. Here is what is calling me right now...
* my family...Tara and Tim are the center of my life. At this most important task is to mother Tara. I want to fill her up with so much love...that she overflows. I want to respect her and listen to her and plant the seeds of raising a strong girl. I want to nurture my marriage and love this man who walks by my side on this journey. Right here, right now
*painting-searching deep deep inside of my soul and letting things flow. Pouring all of mySELF onto the canvas..."mistakes" and all.
*community-I have been meeting so many many amazing people that are nourishing me in ways I never thought possible...with acceptance, understanding and creativity. The world is opening up wide wide wide and I am finding my sense of belonging. It feels like home.
*art journalling-right now I am strongly feeling the pull to experiment and delve deeper into this art form. There are so many things to try much to learn!
*Being in the moment. Letting go of expectations while still setting goals and trying my best.
*Starting my exercise program again.

What is calling you? And more importantly, dear soul...are you listening?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

juicy journal pages!!

I have wanted to write a post on this for a while because I think so many of us just love our journal!! I feel a bit vulnerable sharing these (very private) pages but in the spirit of..we are all learning, sharing and growing goes! My journals are part diary, part art, part letters to the universe plus everything else thrown in!!! Journals have been very therapeutic for me and have seen me through some very rough patches. In my teens when I wasn't able to have a physical space for my journals became my portable studio! I still have them and they hold some of my most turbulent and creative times. They are also where I store all my  ideas in words, colors, drawings...It's where all my paintings take root in words and thoughts.Journals are so freeing because they are private, creative, personal and just! Besides...They are also an autobiography of our souls.

I prepare my pages with all sorts of things...I love scrapbook papers or other ephemera (ticket stubs, calendars, old day planners, newspaper,cards...), bubble wrap and sharpies. One of my fave products is gesso. I either apply it straight to the page or water it down and then apply it. It produces the most interesting depth and texture. Wait until it dries completely and then add paints or oil pastels or...pretty much whatever you want!
Another fave technique is using a paper towel on damp produces such interesting texture and color variations. I love rich juicy colors ...a few fave color combinations...
* alizarin crimson and burnt sienna produces rich dark reds
* burnt sienna and paynes' grey =lush moody grays
* ultramarine blue and burnt sienna = rich rich  darks

This is a photocopy of an actual key. Then I just cut it out and glued it on. I photocopy all sorts of things (fabric, buttons, pics, flowers, leaves...) to use on my pages. Looks so real huh?

I love love love using white pen on rich dark colors. It is difficult to find one that actually works consistently though! Usually they work  a few times and then zonk out!  If anyone can recommend a great white gel pen...I would love to try it out! This is a Sakura pen (I think!) and I just doodled some patterns over dark paint.

Anything is fair game...this is from the packaging of one of Tara's toys. I love the simple yet profound message...B. you!! Sometimes when I am super stressed I will just prepare pages. Looking through papers and applying paint to paper just soothes me...there is  a very meditative quality to painting without purpose. And nothing is ever lost on this comes back to me later when I paint on canvas!

One of the reasons I love journaling so much is that in here, I paint and draw in a way I normally don't. I really love the rhythm and energy of her hair + the expression on her face. This really grows and stretches me and lately...since I have been making a concerted effort to refine my style...I find myself looking through pages and pages of my journal. Usually I will see recurring color choices/combinations, texture or elements such as text and pattern. Oh! And there are no mistakes in your journal pages...only happy discoveries!!

This is the lower half of the page above...half of her dress is patterned paper and the other half paint. Then I used a black  Sharpie to draw over both parts to unify the whole dress. I cut the flower out from patterned paper and the "ART" letters  are chipboard . I use a lot of scrapbook supplies in my journal...there are such amazing things out there now. I love Tim Holtz products!!
I love using sheet music and drawing over patterned paper (like I did on the heart above). The white is gesso (watered down) that I applied over dried paint...I sometimes add more paint (burned sienna watercolor mottles really well over gesso) over the white (after it dries) for rich texture and depth or ...just leave it as is.

A few amazing sites I go to for serious journal inspiration! I am such a newbie...these ladies are the experts.
*Teesha's Circus
*30 Journals 30 days
*Soul Journaling (I sooooo want to take a workshop over here!!!)
*D.J. Petit (I love how she alters her book covers!!) Plus she has awesome links in her sidebar!!
*Kelly Kilmer (I am so going to take a class with her!)

A few great books I use for ideas:
*True Vision: Authentic Art Journaling
*Collage Unleashed
*Collage Journeys
*Wide Open
*Taking Flight: Inspiration And Techniques To Give Your Creative Spirit Wings
A few books I want to get!
*Journal Spilling
*Creative Wildfire:An Introduction to Art Journaling
*The Art Journal Workshop: Break Through, Explore, and Make it Your Own
*Sorry-I tried to put links for all these books but it kept on getting all wonky:( You can google them!

A few fave products:
patterned paper/newpaper/old book pages
Portfolio Oil Pastels-they go on like butter!
Mixed Media sketchbook-I use one by Canson.
Golden fluid acrylics
black Sharpies
Stabillo pens (they have  a really fine point and come in awesome colors!)
white gel pens...Sakura is the one I am using right now
glue stick
bubble wrap/stamps/plastic forks create texture/pattern
*If you would like to share some of your fave tips/techniques...boy, would I love to know!! Always looking for new things to try out...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

the winner is...

(She has faith in her path, archival prints available soon!)
I am happy to announce the winner of  the One World One Heart is Artsy Rocker Chick!
The tote is based on the above reads She Has Faith in Her Path (even when her fears come knocking). I just want to thank everyone so much for entering; I was totally overwhelmed by the response. A big huge thanks to Lisa Swifka for putting it on and...I must admit, I have not had time to visit even a fraction of the participating blogs (there were over a thousand!!!). I will try... slowly, slowly to get around to it though!! Okay...mailing off the tote in a couple of days!!! A super huge thanks to everyone who left a comment on my blog! I was going to let Tara pick out the winner but there were too many entries so I used!
(earlier and my girl)
Hi from us over here...I hope you all had a fantastic Valentines'!! We are slowly semi-settling in... decided that we aren't going to unpack a whole lot of stuff and, except for my studio and Tara's nursery, we aren't going to put too much up on the walls for right now. There are still boxes here and there...waiting to be unpacked but my studio is almost done! Still have to set up my printer/scanner/computer etc but at least I can paint! Oh! And I signed up for Blogging Your Way by Holly at Decor8 ...I am super excited! And...I have to lose 10 pounds...I was doing so well when I was in Va. but I think all those frozen burritos at Miramar kinda' caught up with me:) My next post is going to be on juicy journal and techniques and lots of please stop back!

Monday, February 14, 2011

studio warming, community and heart

(A Heart-full Friendship, archival prints available soon!)
I went to Patty's studio warming this weekend. I had planned on taking all these amazing pics for my blog to show you but...I had such a great time (gabbing and such!) that I completely forgot!! So I will try to describe things as best I can...First of all...her view is simply stunning. Her home is perched up on a hill a gazillion miles above ground and overlooks the whole area. She has lush greenery all around her...bougainvilleas, orange and lemon trees, dark pink peonies (I think) and all in bloom right now! I met the most amazing, fantastic people that were all so kind and warm and just... over the top wonderful. There was an art swap (thanks Jane for the beautiful Rumi art postcard!), delicious goodies and a cute dog named Muffin. I also got to see some of Patty's wonderful photography hanging on her walls gallery-style. Oh! And Patty's studio is a haven.'s official...I am moving in Patty!!
(3 Women...a painting I did in 2006 SOLD)
All of this got me thinking about community. I think for the very first time in my life, I feel a strong sense of community through my blog and the kindreds I am meeting-either through comments and e-mails real life! There is such acceptance and support...something I have never experienced my whole life.  I met these 2 ladies on Saturday who right upon meeting me said "Oh! I know you, I read your blog!!" Can I just say how amazed and thrilled I was!! It is heartwarming  to meet someone for the very first time and...they already know parts and pieces of your life and heart and...soul. Magic! Crazy, beautiful, wonderful...magic!

(at Patty's studio warming-a wonderful gathering of kindred spirits)
*Patty just e-mailed me this group pic of that wonderful evening..thanks Patty! * you can still read my interview with the wonderful Diana here
* Am going to pick the OWOH winner on Wed!
* Happy Valentines to all of you!
* I am going to do a post this week on juicy journal please stop back!

Friday, February 11, 2011

this and that

(so happy happy to be painting!)
* I am back to painting!! studio is still in shambles with boxes everywhere...but today I managed to paint for  a few hours...luscious... playing in juicy colors, splashing water on good!
* Am exhausted from a very long week...had a medical appointment all the way in San Diego proper. Okay...driving on the interstates here...not getting any better. It seems that over here, no one goes the speed limit or signals when they change lanes!'s driving me nuts!
* spent half a day this week at the DMV...ughhh!
* Am going to Patty's studio warming tomorrow fun and I can't wait. Hope I am not too sleep deprived and can carry on a somewhat intelligent conversation:)

                                                      (this afternoon...while Tara was napping)
* have no idea how I am going to pick the winner for the tote (bloghop prize). Initially I was going to get Tara to pick out the name but...I was only expecting like... 20 or so people to enter!!! With over a 100 comments...anyone have any ideas???
* I did a really fun interview that Diana is going to post on Sunday...hope you get a chance to read it here!
Hope you all have a great weekend!

inspiring me ...

*this luscious book on Modern Indian art called the Flamed Mosaic...stunning, amazing, inspiring! + my brass Buddha...always reminding me to be...present

* my beautiful baby girl-I can't believe how fast she is growing up. She inspires me to be a better every choice, in every moment. I don't always live up to my expectations but...I try, I try, I try

* Just picked up the current issue of Artful Blogging...dripping with ideas, heart and eye candy!

* unpacking my art supplies...jewel-toned colors, old paintbrushes, jars of paint and inks...set my heart racing!

*best of all..Tara and I collaborated on  a painting just yesterday!! She teaches me so much-to be in the moment and let loose, to have fun and make a happy mess! To be joyful in the creating. The most difficult part of our art time...putting the paints away!! She's such  a great artist-I am going to frame this for her nursery.
What's inspiring you lately?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

searching for my style

 I have been unpacking some of my paintings these past few days...and I realise that I am still searching for my style. I think all my paintings have a cohesive feel to them but then I wonder...are they all too similar? Am I stuck? Am I scared  to evolve ...change? As much as I really want to get back to painting right away...putting paint to canvas... I think I need to do some soul work...exposing/writing/discovering/playing in paint first...which got me do I find my style anyway? I think a lot of us struggle with this...
Here are a few things I came up with from reading what other artists do plus my own experience...
1. read and expose myself to as many other artists as possible
2. collect elements that I love (shape, line, color combinations, text, pics, fabrics) of visuals that speak to me. Put them up on my inspiration board or sketchbook
3. write write write...about my art, about what I want to convey. Write poetry or journal. I find that in my words lie the seeds of my he(ART)
4. paint! Without expectations... Don't be afraid of making mistakes or wanting every piece to turn out a certain way...experiment, play, invent, be silly, try different techniques. Make a happy mess and fall flat on my face:)  Work through the frustration and ugly parts of a painting...
5. pay attention to my intuition. What is it that my heart is telling me?
6. realise that while I may admire other artists' work...only I can bring into the world the pieces of mySELF that I pour into my art
7. know that we are all creative souls in bloom. And it takes courage big and huge and wide and deep to put ourSELVES out there and and do what we do
                                      (Creative Soul in Bloom, archival prints coming soon!)
Do you have any tips, techniques, stories to share about finding your style? Are you still searching too? I would love to know!
* If you have stopped by from the OWOH bloghop, please scroll down to my previous post to enter my giveaway. Thanks!

Monday, February 7, 2011

One World, One Heart 2011

Welcome Welcome Welcome!!! I just now found out (from fellow blogger Carola Bartz ) about the  One World One Heart event where artists, photographers, kindred spirits can all participate!!! What an amazing opportunity to meet like minded souls from every corner of the world! It is a "bloghop" created by Lisa Swifka and I am sooo happy to join in!
My name is Soraya and I am a mixed media artist, wife, mamma, storyteller, photographer, creative soul, blogger. I adore my hubby and baby girl ...and love painting, creating, dreaming. Through my art I tell stories of the deepest parts of ourSELVES...our fragile and vulnerable pieces, our beauty and possibility, our fears and hopes. I deeply deeply believe that it is in the honest sharing of our stories, of ourSELVES that we grow and blossom and, therefore, inspire others to do the same.  I am passionate and joyful of the life I find myself living...sometimes I have to just pinch myself ! What...I get to create and be there for my family?
I am of Indian descent, was born in South Africa, moved to Canada when I was 12 and currently live in the U.S!!! I love meeting creative souls from all over the world...and feel at home, well... just about anywhere!
My "doorprize giveaway" is this tote right here, 100% cotton, sturdy and very versatile. I use mine all the time!

It is based on one of my paintings reads "FAITH"

                                                                           (Faith tote)
I will mail it to anyone, anywhere in the world...all you have to do is leave comment and some way for me to contact you should you win. The winner will be announced on Feb 17-right here. I think I will get Tara to pick out the name!
* According to the rules, you must be an active blogger to participate! don't have to be participating in this particular event, you just have to have a blog!
There are so many amazing participants for this consider joining or go right here to discover these amazing blogs!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

today in pics

Every Sunday is family day over here. Tim came up with this soon after Tara was born. So no matter what else we have going on, we always do something as a family; for a few hours or the whole day. It has really kept us grounded and happy through all the stressful and difficult times...especially last year with our move. Today we drove down to Balboa Park which is am amazing conglomeration of so many many things. You could easily spend weeks over here and not run out of things to see and do. There are tons of art galleries, museums, theatres, botanical gardens,The San Diego Zoo, Sea World...on and on.
We all rode on a carousel!!! It was soooo much fun; I can't remember  the last time I even did this!!! Maybe I was 6 or 7? Tara was a little scared at first but then loved loved loved it; she rode with Tim. It warmed my heart to see the two of them having such a great time.
We came upon Spanish Village which has over 200 San Diego artists selling their creations. This is artist Don Knapp; his work is so dripping with gorgeous, delicious colors! I bought a luscious print called Bright Summer Day for Tara's nursery.

Another artist Linda Lepeirs who is a super talented artist/photographer. She was so helpful and friendly...Hi Linda!!

There are quite a few museums down there as well. We did not have time to visit today ...have to make a day of it just for art!
The architecture here is just amazing. I don't know how far back it dates but it speaks of another era...wrought iron and carved stone, outdoor chandeliers, intricate details...

It was a long day... When we got back home Tara and I took a nap while Tim watched the Superbowl. Family+ sunny day+ art= perfect Sunday. Hope you all had  a great weekend too!
* my studio is slowly slowly slowly coming along!