My He(ART)-Full Life

Monday, October 1, 2012


                                                         (arms to sky, Sante Fe, New Mexico)
"To me, forge your own path means to proceed without permission. Imagine there being no bounds to what you can do or be. Imagine if we used the gifts bestowed upon us for our highest good without saying I can't do that because it's never been done before or because They wouldn't like that or they would think this of me. Imagine if you just friggin' did the damn thing you want to do. Imagine that!"- Ava Duvernay
I have been thinking a lot about opening doors within mySELF, possibilities and daring lately...and these posts right here are giving me strength, clarity, inspiration.
* am so digging this manifesto right here and ordered the book (Daring Greatly)...can't wait to get my hands on it!!
* 100% agree and believe in this post right here. My own personal story is this: after I became a mom I became more ambitious with my art, more honest with my words, more vulnerable in my life. Quite simply because my baby needed all of me...broken and shining.
* loving all the bravery and truthtelling spilling out of this post . Don't we all get rejected?? But the work we have to offer the world and ourSELVES don't rest upon the shoulders of a few. They rest within us: our tenacity + bravery + heart.
* Luv you Susannah!! honesty, putting it all out there, cussing and all:)


Anonymous said...

Oh I so envy you Soraya!! Looks like you had a marvelous time in beautiful New Mexico. I now regret missing out on it more than ever :))

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what happened. Thought I left a message ? Looks like it was a wonderful vacation! New Mexico is beautiful and unique. I'm sorry I missed it!