My He(ART)-Full Life

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

letting go of the struggle

“Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads." - Erica Jong
I have been painting painting painting these past many days (weeks??) but I am right in the middle of a transition in my you know what I mean? It's that place where there are so many many questions...but no answers. It is that place where I am leaving behind what I know but...there is no path and I don't know where I am going...or...where I want to go. It is a place that is fraught with insecurities + fear + the unknown. I have to let go of what I am comfortable with and embrace the mysteries of the process. I know that all sounds so "out there"... but...this is where I am right now. I am going to let go of the struggle and bring my truth, courage and intention to the easel.
This is my inspiration right here. Whenever I feel tired or lacking...I take a deep breath and try to summon my courageous pieces;  tenacity + resilience as well as my vulnerability.  fill my dark places with light.


laurie said...

your posts are always an inspiration to me. lately i am so frustrated because i have "over booked" myself and have no time to create. i guess there are always struggles and it is best to accept them, ride them out. thank you.

SooZeQue said...

Such a little beauty! Lots of inspiration there. Sometimes I think the best things come our of not knowing where we are going. You free up the imagination. So where are all those paintings you've been working one? Huh? Huh?

PatH said...

Lovely photo of Tara.