It's been a year since I started my blog so now seems the perfect time to tell you my whole blogging story. Initially I set up my blog to get my art "out there" and to challenge myself...At least, that was the hazy idea I had. I set up my blogspot account about 2 and a half years before I actually wrote my first post!! What?? Now during this time I had a ton of stuff going on...adjusting to married life, Tim deployed to Iraq, we moved across the country (twice!!), I was pregnant and gave birth to Tara, I started painting again. So it was a life changing period; a full, full time...But the real reason why I couldn't actually write in my blog was this. I was fear and insecurity. What would I have to say, how was I going to maintain the commitment of regular postings, who would want to read my words anyways...on and on. Like so many many of us...I didn't think my words and stories had meaning and value. Plus just the very thought of exposing mySELF in such a personal and intimate way...was enough to make me throw up!! So time just dragged on while my poor blog remained empty, lonely and very very sad! A couple of months before actually taking the plunge, I picked up a copy of Artful Blogger and...I was amazed, in awe, inspired and ...well, simply stunned at the wealth of fantastic blogs out there. Art, photos, writings, knitting, scrapbooking, food, entire lives in progress...the variety and depth was mind blowing....and I wanted to be a small part of it. So I wrote my first post. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing...seriously!!! But I knew this right from the start; I was going to be honest, authentic...real. I was just going to be me! I mean, what's the point of doing it otherwise...and who else could I be anyways:)...? Starting my blog was one of the best things I did in 2010!! Not that it was all smooth sailing let me tell you; I almost shut down my blog in May when Tim had a very difficult and painful shoulder surgery and I became completely overwhelmed. But I stuck through those periods of self doubt, overwhelm and insecurity. In the first few months of postings (I now notice) my writings were shy...reserved...unsure. It was a process of creativity, my heart...mySELF. This journey of blogging has led me to parts of mysELF I never knew were that were long forgotten. For me...blogging has been as much about the inner journey of unearthing mySELF as it has been about connecting with others...
(reading the current issue of Artful Blogging-serious inspiration!)
Now, after a year of blogging...a few things I have learned:
* It really is all about connecting with heart . I have "met" the most wonderful, kind hearted, creative, earthy, amazing mammas, old souls, artists, authors, photographers, all around creative folk out there...and the generosity of spirit, huge hearts, support, help...has been amazing and truly a gift I never could of anticipated...but one that I am forever grateful for.
* Blogging has transformed me...the journey has peeled off layers and layers of self doubt to expose a creative soul who loves to write, take photos, share my creative process, reach out and form community. And oh yeah...I'm kinda' crafty too (who knew!!)
* Blogging has motivated and inspired my art-making process and has shaped my intentions before I even get to the canvas.
* It's awesome to have a visual diary of the year and boy! I just wish I had started sooner!!
* The process of writing a post every few days has really fertilized and nourished my creativity. In the beginning, I often had bloggers' block...but the more posts I write...the easier it becomes. There are just so many thing to's really endless. And now I can connect with a whole world of creatives. How else can I get inside the studio of an artist who lives all the way across the world?
* My blog has taken on a life of it's own...while I write about all the many facets of (my), books, family, motherhood..I find that my blog has shaped me as much as I have shaped it.
* I was surprised at how attached and ...protective I am of this space. It houses all of my deepest thoughts and feelings, my art and and very essence. It is a very sacred and spiritual place to me...
*I want to thank every single person who takes the time to read my blog. For commenting and offering support and kindness and a listening ear. We are all connected in this web of life...on this journey. And if you are reading this and thinking of starting your own it!!! You will be surprised at the unearthing of all the parts of ...yourSELF...
(Creative Soul Unearthed, mixed media, archival prints available soon!)
Happy Anniversary! I loved reading this post. It is pretty amazing the connections we gain with others and ourselves thanks to blogs. Best wishes for the year ahead!
Soraya this post is soooo beautiful. I loved reading it. I know how happy I am you began blogging and have kept at it. Your artwork, too.
Much love to you in 2011 and I look forward to knowing you better this year:)
Dear Soraya, once again I feel like so much of what you have written could have been written by me! I was first introduced to blogland after reading Kelly Rae's book. I would just go from link to link and be completely intimidated, thinking "I could never do that!" It was my friends at the BePresent retreat that encouraged me and were also my first readers. Some of them have stuck with me all this time and it's such a great thing! Here we are, both of us dealing with challenges and yet reaching out with our blogs through thick and thin. You are so right.... I had no idea as to what an amazing process it would become!! Totally blows me away.
i love your blog- happy birthday to it. congrats on year one. looking forward to what's next...
Soraya, Happy Birthday to this precious and sacred blog! I do believe that this place is like a temple, where you share your innermost thoughts and truths and sacredness, and where your readers (like myself) come to find peace, and inspiration, and a connection with my own spirituality as well.
It is a powerful space really.
I am so honoured to have found you through kelly rae's workshop. You write with such profound beauty and it's inspiring to read!
Happy Blog-aversary! How weird...I started my blog a year ago this month too. We are kindred spirits - in birth month, blog-aversary month, and in all of the things you described in your post. Looking forward to many years to come! :)
Oh my sweet Soraya, HAPPPY ANNIVERSARY!! I am sooo glad you didn't shut down this lovely space in May! You are awesome and i really adore my visit here to your inspiring space. I feel the same way about blogging....and how it has changed my life with inspiration, connection and love. Wishing you many many more good times with blogging and i look forward to another year and many more years with you! Have a lovely mery happy weekend sweet friend and love to you!
Yes, happiest of Anniversaries! It is hard to believe it has only been one year of blogging ... you have really blossomed in so many ways: your rich, insightful and inspiring writing, your photography, and of course your paintings! I too am grateful for your presence here as you support and comfort and reassure me just through living your life authentically and openly. It is such a challenge, being a mama and nurturing our creative babies - not to mention husbands! - and you do it all with grace and love. I know when I come here, I will leave inspired to continue my journey and juggling act!
I did take both Unravelling courses with Susannah. The first one was the second ecourse I had ever taken and I threw myself into completely. You can take the course with a wide range of participation, but I do think choosing to be involved (looking at others pictures and reading and commenting) is the only way to really get the full benefits of the course. Maybe that is just me; I need to speak and share and learn from others. I guess I would advise waiting if your life is crazy busy; but if you think you can carve out some time, then this transition period could be really fruitful. How's that for a nonanswer?
much love to you - xo Lis
Happy Anniversary. What I always love about your blog is your honesty, your courage to show your vulnerability. Since my very first visit to this site I was hooked. This is a good place to come and rest for a while.
Thank you for your kind words about Katie. It's amazing to see how many people have been following her and Jesus' "story". We still struggle to comprehend it all - there is no sense - but we remember the Katie we knew, the sparkling young woman who could light up a room.
Beautiful post ~ it is a wonderful journey we take in blogland. Who knew you could connect with people by just typing in a blank space to no one in particular not knowing who would drop in and show some love.
so beautiful and WIDE OPEN WITH YOUR HEART AS ALWAYS to read this post. Good for you and for all of us who have been blessed by your internet presence. Much love to you friend...
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