* My little family being together
* Tara beaming with joy...full of glee and giggles on Xmas morning when she saw her little red tricycle (her new favorite toy!)
* Meeting the kindest, salt-of-the-earth people who opened their hearts and homes to us this Xmas
* The Xmas card I received from Tim-love
* Reading Kelly Rae Roberts' Xmas post on surrendering. I totally agree. So many times we think that Xmas is all about joy and being happy ...there is that picture perfect expectation. But sometimes there is a lot of sadness and sheer hard grief...for things lost and broken. This season is also about acknowledging and surrendering to all of our heart.
* The heart-FULL community of blogland. I may not have met you in person but...oh!! I have certainly met you in spirit and mind and heart. And what a true gift your friendships have been.
These gifts -unexpected-have humbled me and filled my heart with gratitude. All I can say is...thanks!
Soraya, I think you captured the essence of Christmas so well, that whatever happens or how messy life can be the most important Xmas gifts is just all ard us if we but open our eyes. Family, the love shared, friends.I will remember to see that beauty surrounds us all the time!
Merry Xmas to you! Please receive my love and support as your other unexpected Christmas gift!
I feel that same thing my friend. So many times we want to AVOID sadness but I can never get away from the fact that my greatest growth happens there. Much love to you...Robin
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