My He(ART)-Full Life

Sunday, March 17, 2013

things around here...

There's so much that has been going on over here...where do I start?? First of's been so nice to take a short break from blog land. as much as I love writing and sharing, I was seriously getting burned out! I have been managing to paint...(this is the canvas that's on my easel right now), catch up on sleep and reading (!!!)...and just puttering around. On Friday I went to lunch with  a new creative friend and it was so nice to chat about all sorts of things. How we compare ourselves to others and then beat ourselves up (!!), the frantic trying to keep up with what everyone else is doing and why aren't we there yet and on and on...and on. I think we all go through these phases and it's completely normal and expected. But it's also important to unplug from all those expectations and forge our own our own pace! And realize that we each have our own time, our own path.
I have also been listening to Mother Night: Myths, Stories and Teachings for Learning to See in the Dark by Dr. Estes. Can I just share that it is brilliant, freakin' amazing and inspiring?? I put it on while I am painting and no matter how exhausted I am, I instantly fill up my energy resources and hours fly by!! She talks of the medial in 2 worlds, of being an in-spirit-ress (my absolute new fave word!!), how to throw off over-accultration and a million and one things that are absolutely necessary if we are to live authentically. I seriously love this woman and am ever so grateful for the work she does.

Then...last week I received a gorgeous gift package all the way across the ocean from my sweet friend Dee. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world to open up my present all wrapped up in purple and silver: handmade inspirational cards (above pic). And another pack of cards revealed my word for the year (DARE!!). All the thoughtfulness, beauty and magic melted my heart. And I now feel so daring and inspired!! I have them stored on a tiny china plate in my studio; whenever I feel overwhelmed or scared...I hold an intention in my heart and pick one!!! I love them!!! Thank you sweet lady Dee:) Thank you thank you!!!

And of course I have been spending time with my family...Tim and my sweet birdie. Every day Tara has more and more independence, I am giving her little bits of freedom and responsibilities and she loves it!!! Small things like putting her dirty  clothes in the laundry basket or being responsible for her fave. bear. We also have special mommy/daughter dates where we chat, laugh and eat:) I can't believe how she's sprouting up in every way...sweet and loving, sassy and curious...and... a complete chatterbox!!!! Must take after me:)
** Also...this morning I caught a bit of Dr. Brene Brown on Super Soul Sunday and I am thrilled!!! I read her book Dare Greatly (twice!!) and it was a life changer in so many ways. I absolutely recommend it! I started reading her blog way back when...But to see her with Oprah was...surreal. But so happy that her work is getting out there to a larger audience.the world needs more authenticity, courage and...daring!! Thank you Brene!! I still have so much more to share...but it will have to wait for next time:) Hope you all have been doing well...and I have really missed coming here to this sacred space of connecting. xxx


Unknown said...

I love your new painting. As always, your blog moves and inspires me!

jane said...

I love your sums up rich living in so many ways. We seem to spend our lives working with our hearts to go out and DARE to do what we love!
xo Jane

Jainnie said...

I love your blog posts and artwork. :) One of my personal goals now is to learn to forge my own path at my own pace and to be accepting of myself! Thank you!