My He(ART)-Full Life

Monday, October 31, 2011

back home!!

Just got back home last night after a hectic weekend in Co. Tara was such an amazing traveller. I took no pictures of our trip because we all came down with the flu:(  Glad to be back home...getting back to routines and such. Not much resting up though...we are going to a Halloween party and still have to carve our pumpkins!!! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!


scrapwordsmom said...

Enjoy Halloween with your little pumpkin:)

Saw your work in Stampington last week...soooooo good and sooooo happy for you!!!!!

Jen @Sadie Inspired said...

Ohh...I am sorry you got sick on your trip. That is no fun! I hope you are all in good health and have a wonderful time today. :)

PS It was so wonderful to sit this weekend drinking my coffee, looking through Somerset Studio...and see your beautiful art staring back at me!! xoxo

jane said...

Home feels like heaven when we aren't feeling well, doesn't it? Sorry you were under the weather on your trip, though. That stuff is going around, I had it last week too! Rest, friend. xo

Janet said...

Welcome back! Why is it that travel usually brings about some form of illness? I hope you're feeling better and can enjoy Halloween with Tara.

patty said...

Soraya, you are too modest.... I did not know you were published!! Wow - can't wait to see!! Want to hear all about Colorado. So sorry you were under the weather.... hope you are well enough to make some memories tonight (I'm guessing there might be a photo or 2 to follow....) 8+)

Kelly said...

Welcome home!! Sorry to hear that you were sick. Ugh!

ArtPropelled said...

Tara looks as bright as a button and very dear. Feel better soon!