My He(ART)-Full Life

Thursday, June 27, 2013

the voices of my childhood

“I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head pointed toward the sun, one’s feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death.” -Mandela

 I was born in 1969 in Durban, South Africa. Apartheid was the law of the land, Nelson Mandela was on Robben Island serving  a life sentence and Indians had been in South Africa for roughly over a 100 years but were not deemed citizens. Growing up under apartheid is strange and impossible to explain to people. And even many many years later...I find myself at a loss to explain our lives under such conditions. Apartheid was an evil political system...there is simply no other way to say it. Your race determined every single aspect of your life...where you lived, whom you could marry, where you went to school...if you even had access to an education. There was a restriction to information, books...knowledge. We were forbidden to write about apartheid, political prisoners or...even acknowledge our hardships and inequities under this evil system. Worst still was the evil way apartheid erected walls around your mind and heart; around your very soul...telling you what you could read...whom you could love. There was always a sense of deep fear growing up in such an environment. as a child...I had no idea how to make sense of the to understand why certain words were not allowed to be spoken. Words like...apartheid or Mandela. It was scary + strange but simultaneously...normal because it was all I had ever known. These experiences shaped me... deeply and completely. 

It was only when we immigrated to Canada (I was about 13) that I could gain a little perspective. That I could actually learn about the history of South Africa that was grounded in truth. But so many of those memories, experiences and wounds were put into a deep recess of my heart and locked away. Shut tight.During my teen years when I started struggling with my identity...I pulled away from both my Indian roots as well as my S. African ones. "I'm Canadian" I told was so much easier at the time especially since I was immersed in my own personal struggles. . But even as I distanced myself emotionally...I always kept abreast of what was going on politically. I was always in awe of Mr. Mandela who shone like a beacon in my stormy days and nights. Nelson Mandela was the giant of my childhood. Looming behind every single memory I have of South Africa was this mythical figure of a man. Flesh and blood YES!!! But mythical too. Larger than life in my heart and soul. And he has never disappointed me. In a world full of drudgery and jadedness was a soul full of grace and brilliance...who shone like the sun. Who never faltered on his ideals...who inspired millions to be do better. Who sought reconciliation, a clean heart, forgiveness and bridging differences and deep divides. Who was brilliant beyond measure and compassionate; he has heart. Here was a man for the ages.

Now here's the thing...race (our ideas of it) are a complex, layered, nuanced thing. But growing up under these stifling racial conditions instilled in me a love of freedom and democracy; taught me that the personal is (very) political . That voting is a privilege. That freedoms are never to be taken for granted...but they are ideals to cherish.
Now that Mandela is on on life that he is towards the end of his has brought up all of these locked away stories and deep and raw emotions in me. Memories I had long ago forgotten...stories I had buried.  In truth...I never thought he would survive Robben Island. I firmly believed that he would be tortured and killed along with so many many others. Then...when he became President...I feared for his life fully expecting and bracing for an assassination. The fact that he is still alive...that he is still a gift I never expected or imagined. It is nothing short of grace.
Mandela, Miriam Mkeba, Nkosi sikel' iAfrika ,... Zulu, Basutu, Afrikaans...These are the voices of my childhood...these are the voices of mySELF. They are strong...they are powerful. As much as I claim my Indian and Canadian influences...I have to claim my S. African ones as well. Now...I have never been back there since I was 13...and I have no desire to. It has been much too painful in too many ways.  There are stories of struggles and hopes, common realities colliding with the highest aspirations...and ...many many untold stories as well.They have shaped me ; and I...I am  forever grateful. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

date nights!!!!

 Before Tara came along, one of our favorite things to do was go on dates!! Even after Tim and I got married...we would plan out special things to do...dinner, movies, walks on the beach, riding Tim's motorcycle. But after we became much of that changed!!!Our lives became filled up with baby and toddler ...I became a total homebody. In truth...while I love the way our days are filled up now...I miss those times of chatting and relaxing and spontaneous fun stuff!!! And a lot of times...Tim and I are both so exhausted at the end of the day...all we want to do is collapse into bed. So recently (since Tara is gaining more independence) Tim and I have been fitting in a few dates.

 It's even better now than we first got married!!! First of all...I so appreciate the simplicity of a simple conversation without all the chatter and interruptions:) And a glass of wine....hits the spot after a super long and tiring day. plus...Tim and I have so much history now...we simply marvel at all the time that has passed, all the things we've been through...and we talk about our collective and individual hopes and dreams for the future. And...of course...a lot of our talks are about Tara!! All the funny, cool, smart things she said or we miss her being there with us!! fast she's growing up.

Mostly though...just reveling in the present...staying focused on the magic of the now ...and enjoying each other.

Friday, June 21, 2013

checking in with my word for the year

When I picked out my word for the year (dare!!) I was deeply influenced by this book right here and thought the word would guide me in doing more, accomplishing more, dare more...more more more!!!  What I am discovering so far is that this word has shown up in my life in quite the opposite way...but exactly in the way I need!!! Isn't it amazing how the Universe works??? So far...I am leaning into the wisdom of daring to do ...less!!! I am daring to relax, to take more time for me, for getting back to center.

I am daring to be seen. To be vulnerable (so so difficult for me, this one!!!), to be mySELF, to not apologize for who I am. So many times...we lose ourselves (in bits + pieces that add up over time) along the way. I am daring to stop...and gather those pieces, put them back together; repair + replenish. I am daring to shine...not by doing anything spectacular...but simply by being me!!! A few years ago...I never would have dared to even walk down the path of "I am enough"....but now it feels comfortable. It feels like I can stop doing so much ("hustling for worthiness" as Dr. Brene Brown says) and I can just enjoy the present moment.

"There are two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."
                                                         -Albert Einstein
More and more...I am beginning to appreciate  the daily miracles in our lives. I am daring to be...
Halfway through the year and this is what my word has revealed itself in my life. Did you pick  a word for the year? What has it revealed to you?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

lazy summer days (part 2)

 I just can't seem to get out of these lazy summer days over I decided to embrace them, savor them and sink into the deliciousness of them!  Of course...they're not really lazy because...well, keeping up with Tara is no small feat:) But she's growing by leaps and bounds in every possible way and I am part proud mamma, part incredulous bystander and part teacher. Savoring it all.

 I have also been going on tons of photowalks (something I learned from Vivienne McMaster's Be Your Own Beloved class I took last month). It's amazingly spiritual and an awesome tool for self portraiture. I am discovering that it allows me to be fully focus on what's right there; trees below...basking in the radiance of the NOW.

 Been eating (mostly) healthy delish meals too. Finding that being present allows me to be satisfied with less food...tasting and appreciating every single morsel.

Been doing tons of reading...loving the laid back summer days where I can indulge myself with words and poems and pages of  nourishment.

 We celebrated Father's Day with so much appreciation. Since Tara was born...even though Tim has had to be away so much for work, he has always always always managed to be there in every way for us. Going through tremendous hardships and making every effort to be the great dad he is. I grew up without any of that (I can so relate to this post right here...I didn't write it but in so many ways, I could have) and appreciate the wonderful daddy my daughter has that much more. Thanks honey...for all you do, for all you are.

 Been experimenting  a bit in my studio...creating backgrounds...using new art supplies.

And this is a painting Tara did a few days ago. Loving her happy colors and stamping and thick drips of juicy paints.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

lazy summer days

 “Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair...” - Susan Polis Schutz

 It's been scorching hot over here and I have fallen into a deliciously lazy spell that I can't seem to get out of:) Morning walks, Tara and I eating breakfast in the sunshine listening to music, feeding the ducks...just...sitting in the sun drinking blackberry lemonade:). 

We took Tara to the circus for the first time!!!! So much excitement!! Her best parts were the animals...the elephants, horses and dogs. And I was simply in awe of the fantastically talented trapeze artists and gymnasts. It was so neat experiencing things through a kids eyes yet appreciating all the talent + hard work that went into the show.

Been reading tons...and I am seriously in love with this book.It has been speaking to me in the most intimate of ways. It's sad and broken and beautiful and hopeful. I am almost done but am trying to prolong the last few chapters because I so don't want it to be over!!!! Loving her honest, lyrical writing that sings of the fire  of the human spirit.'s hilarious!!!

 Tara's been getting in a lot of painting. It's so neat for me to just step back and observe here...she loves painting with both hands. And she sings, friends!!! It's the most adorable thing and she's not even aware that she's doing it...but as soon as she starts painting...she starts singing:) Love!!!

I started  a new journal and have been writing tons and tons in here. All sorts of things...hopes and dreams, ideas, working through this book (which I love!).

Hope you all are having a wonderful summer so far...

Saturday, June 8, 2013

some scenes from my studio this Saturday morning...

 I pegged this message to myself so I can see it while I paint. It's an intention I am feeling in the deepest parts of my heart these days...and I hope I can carry it into every single part of my marriage and mothering, my creating + writing + friendships and ...all of life!!

 Burning sage in my studio this morning to cleanse the air and bring good energy.

This word has been showing up quite a lot in my life lately! Paying attention and feeling very grateful. 

 This orange mint plant fills up my studio with the most delicious fragrance...I can hardly stand it!!! Plus...I pick some leaves to add to my tea = super delicious!

Stamping with artichoke hearts...experimenting, playing + having fun!!

These books are on my summer reading list...and i hope to get through them all. I am almost done Wild and oh!!!! how I am loving this book that speaks to me in the most intimate of ways!!! I can't recommend it enough.

Since I moved everything around in my studio I am loving the gorgeous light that pours in plus seeing all the greenery outside and listening to the birds chirp! I am going to do a full studio tour one of these days but for studio is a wonderfully delightful creative mess!!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

published (!!!), a rejection letter + forging new paths

 I am super excited, humbled and honored to be featured in the Summer 2013 Somerset Studio Gallery!!! It's one of my all time fave. creative mags for inspiration, techniques and eye candy. I am so very grateful to be given this opportunity! A huge thank you to all the folks who make this magazine possible...from the technical expertise to the photography to the 101 things (I can only imagine!!) that go into the production of this gorgeous magazine. And a special thank you to editor Jennifer Jackson Taylor for all your hard work. I hope you get to pick up a copy,'s chock full of great stuff, I promise. 
*Also available in Canada!!!!

 I wrote this article many months ago and am loving the layout and feel!! It's all about how I turned a very frustrating period (think...creative block gone wild, moving in + deciding to stay!!!) into an opportunity for growth. I called it creating Soul Biographies...because I think all the work we do as creatives are ...just that! This isn't the best pic. but I just received a copy and couldn't wait to share!! Hate that reflective glare's a full 5 page spread (p. 30-35) that I am so very proud of.

 Okay here's the flip side to all of my over the moon happiness!!! I also received  a rejection letter a few days ago that completely crushed me. Seriously. I fell apart in tears and ...caved into the imposter syndrome to the nth power and on and on. As rejection letters was really very nice: sugary sweet and very polite. Along the lines of we love your work and appreciate your creative energy etc etc. But still...I fell apart. I took it personally. I was crushed. I know it's par for the course. I know it's part and parcel of creative life. Of life, for that matter!!! hurt so much! And I was depressed and losing faith in mySELF. In my work. In my path. I crushed up the letter...and then straightened it out. Then crushed it up again...on and on. A little silly now??? maybe...but there you have it:) And sure...I indulged in a healthy dose of self pity, tears + chocolate...

Then I came across this poem:
"I go where I love and where I am loved,
into the snow:
I go to the things I love
with no thought of duty or pity"  -H.D. The Flowering of the Rod

 And I realized...I love painting!!!! I love opening jars of paint, love looking at paint...dipping paintbrush and fingers into colors...vermillion, ochres....magentas. Love creating!!!!! Love bringing from...nothing...something. I love my creative life...with all of it's frustrations and tears. With all of the insecurities and deep rooted anxieties. With all the joy + love + excitements + surprises. I lean into all of it with the deepest longings of my deepest heart.'s not really about achieving all of my goals, or getting published (although that is super duper sweet!) or or or...It's about knowing that I am living my life exactly the way  want to...on my own terms. It's about putting one foot in front of the other...daring greatly (both my word for the year and a book that I adore) along the way. It's about tossing my hat in the ring, living authentically and doing my best. And with that...I feel deeply in awe and full of gratitude that I actually get to create.

I am ecstatic to get back to my studio open up my jars of paint, turn on my music...with sunlight streaming through my windows....and put paint to canvas. I am forging new paths...creatively and otherwise and it feels great. Scary!!! But also...great; alive!!! Stepping out of my comfort zone and... into the unknown. Immersing mySELF in nature and light + music + books...poetry and writing. Artist dates and mothering and marriage. Allowing.

Monday, June 3, 2013


 “Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue.  Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them.  And the point is, to live everything.  Live the questions now.  Perhaps you will find them gradually, without noticing it, and live along some distant day into the answer.”  ~ Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet
Life has a way of coming full circle...never any completions...but circles within circles. All my life, I have been a seeker, even before I knew what that was or could articulate it in any coherent way. I was always searching, searching...running away from mySELF. Looking, reading, writing, wondering...asking questions. And I had so many loved ones who thought I was a wanderer with all the negative connotations (ie. flaky, irresponsible, lost, drifting etc etc) . But now that I have some perspective...I know that those wandering years were vital, necessary... holy. I simply had to arrive at mySELF. To this place of complete ease with who I am.

And now I know that nothing is permanent. Not these hours + days + years.  I know that I may have to take up my wandering ways day. I know that life is brief and shining and bittersweet. There is ebb and flow.  But in between all the moments...there lies possibility. There is sunlight and flowers. There is deep love + friendship + marriage. There are tiny hands + huge hearts. There is arriving at ourSELVES one day; coming home. And it feels like I never left.