(one of my recent art journal pages)
"I'd like a little flashlight to write poems on this non-poem day,
a tiny fleeting love poem not to the sorrow I feel,
but to the splash of sunlight that changes everything."
-Zucker (this sweet poem arrived in my mailbox today!)
I have been feeling a bit down in the dumps today. I don't know if it's hormonal or the dreaded comparison monster that tends to visit us every so often or...just feeling sad and blue. So I decided to write out a gratitude list, not to dismiss my feelings and sweep them under the rug as if they don't exist, but just to change my focus on all the goodness right here in front of me.
Here's what my gratitude list looks like right now:
* my connections are growing deeper, deeper. With mySELF, my family, my friends, my work and art and life.
*my blog...every single dear soul who takes the time to read my heart and mind, these words and photos that spill out from the deepest parts of mySELF and my life...I am ever so grateful.
*my marriage which is growing into the wideness and deepness of a love that can hold everything, into a comfort that feels familiar.
* a beautiful non-poem that I received in the mail today from sweet Jane...thank you:)
* Dr. Clarrisa Pinkola Estes ...her work feeds me and... encourages me to do my work.
*creative time with Tara...we play with paints + crayons + paper. She loves everything art and it couldn't make me happier! Sometimes...I imagine her sitting down with her children one day and doing the very same thing. Now that brings tears of gratitude to my eyes.
* curling up with a good book and a cup of tea. It's cooling down over here and there is just nothing better after a long day!
*Jen Lemen...I love the way her words bring me a sense of heart, hope and healing; a very real sense of community.
What do you do when you are feeling blue?
Your words cheered me this morning, Soraya...and when I'm feeling blue, I sit with my sadness and honor it, I make art, I walk as fast as I can along the deep blue ocean, I make a mental list of my favorite people who bring me, yes, SUNLIGHT. xxjane
When I am down I create...I make a list of what I'm grateful for...I watch a good movie...I take some quiet time and make a list of goals.
What beautiful, honest words Soraya. Besides your gorgeous art...one of the things I love about reading your blog is your ability to lay your words out straight from your heart. :) When I am feeling blue I get quiet, get creative, or spend time with my family doing something we love. What a beautiful list... I am going to try writing one next time. XOXO Jen
You know we are all at the mercy of the dreaded "Blues". It's really just a way maybe for rejuvenation, reflection. A little downtime ~ to reflect on everyday life ~ it's all good in it's own way. My hubby always says "No Pain, No Gain" and sometimes I want to slap him when he does.... but truly he's right. We always gain from every moment don't we. Whether it be up or down. So Relax, be lazy, lay around, watch a movie.... "Like Water for Chocolate"! Make Pumpkin Bread! Eat the whole thing by yourself! HUGS
I'm sorry that you're feeling blue. Hopefully it's just the weather...:)
Hoping your days are filled with many splashes of sunlight especially when you are feeling down. On those blue days I find that a few hours of silence to read inspiring books, study nature or create art, usually help to raise my spirits. If not I try to sit the blues out knowing that "this too shall pass".
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