My He(ART)-Full Life

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

a family story

I want to share a story with you's good, it's true and it's part of Tara's family tree which makes it all the more amazing to me. A few weeks ago, as we were unpacking some boxes, we came across some of Tim's old family pics. We thought they were lost, mislaid, gone forever... so you can image how ecstatic we were to find them! Tons of pics of Tim as a baby, Tim's dad in the military, childhood pictures of memories long forgotten but now...all right here in our hands! It was like finding gold...except better!! I was especially relieved because I am making a scrapbook of Tara's family tree...I want her to know all the pieces of herSELF, the truth of where she comes from., her ancestors, her lineage. So here's the particular story I want to share...
           (that's Tims's mom on the right with jazz great Lionel Hampton in the middle)

Tim's mom was an amazing jazz singer...amazing! When she was really young (from about age 18-22) she lived in New York for some time...This was the twenties...Harlem was experiencing a cultural revolution ...a creativity explosion...that's her in the pic above with jazz legend Lionel Hampton. She met Duke Ellington...yeah...the Duke Ellington! Now there are tons of unanswered questions...did she sing at the Cotton Club? , did she ever meet Billie Holiday? sing with her??? what was her stage name? ...Oh! I wish I wish I wish...we had the answers. But she met Tim's dad, fell in love, gave up on her dreams and had 4 children (Tim being the last...she gave birth to him in her 40's)...she never really talked much about her early life to Tim so we can only guess. I have never met her...she passed a while back. But this is all part of Tara's history...I want her to know it.

(painted hands!)
Oh! And little Tara has been busy busy busy...painting and coloring up a storm! She wants to say hi!


Diane said...

OH what a great find and treasure to share with your sweet daughter. My son started going into our family history a few years ago, and he's totaly hooked now with the whole ancestory thing--it's really fascinating.

scrapwordsmom said...

Oh, I KNOW who Lionel Hampton is!! I LOVE him!! I worked on a Big Band station for 3 years-KXCV and Lionel was {and still is} one of my faves. That photo is priceless!!!!

What a find:)

Darling photo of Tara, too.

You are amazing...

Jen @Sadie Inspired said...

What a great story that is. I think it is wonderful to gather photos and create something that your daughter can look at as she learns all about the little pieces for her ancestry. So glad you found the pictures!

Such an adorable picture of Tara too!

Rita Banerji said...

What a wonderful story! And Tara is beautiful! She looks like such a happy little girl!

kelly said...

I love that photo of Tara!! And how cool is that finding those lost photos and diving into old mysteries? Such a great thing you're doing for your daughter. She will be so grateful later on. :)