My He(ART)-Full Life

Thursday, April 8, 2010

"The Body Gift"

I have been sick these past 2 days with some mysterious flu bug that left me feeling wretched and icky (I'll spare the details!). Last night, I couldn't even drag myself to the computer to write a blog post.This morning, though, as if by magic, I woke up feeling just fine! I am going to spend today being mindful of how fortunate I am for my good health that I normally take for granted. Here is a favorite poem of mine by amazing poet Mary Oliver. Read it out loud, savour it...feel it ...sweet, like honey, dripping from your mouth...and be amazed at the miraculous gift of your body.

The feet of the heron, under the bamboo stems,
hold the blue body, the great beak
above the shallows of the pond.
Who could guess their patience?
Sometimes the toes shake, like worms.
What fish could resist?
Or think of the cricket, his green hooks
climbing the blade of grass-
or think of camel feet like ear muffs,
striding over the sand-or think of your own
slapping along the highway,
a long life of many miles.
To each of us comes the body gift.

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