My He(ART)-Full Life

Friday, April 30, 2010


I am finally packing for our cruise and am so excited! I went to Borders yesterday to pick up a few mags for my trip and snatched up the new edition of Artful Blogging-scrumptious! So into my suitcase it went! I promised myself that I wouldn't start reading it now but couldn't resist a sneak peek.. There are some wonderfully magical pics of India that really brought back so many memories for me. But am going to save the mag for some relaxing time on the ship:)
On another note-I have always been an "off the beaten path" kinda' traveller but since this is our first trip overseas with baby Tara -I am having a lot of trepidation and fears. I have been thinking "what if she gets bit by a monkey in Belize?" or "what if someone tries to steal her in Mexico?" or...I am trying not to be too psychoticically paranoid but I worry so much about her sometimes. I guess it's all part of being a mom:)

Thursday, April 29, 2010


I signed up for Kelly Rae Robert's class (Flying Lessons) a few days ago and just received access to the "classroom" this morning. This is so exciting-"meeting" such creative and courageous souls from all around the world! I am thrilled beyond words! And to have Kelly teach me...Thank you Universe, thank you technology!! I am deeply grateful for this opportunity and my heart is full with joy. I will post a badge as soon as I figure out how (I am a little technology impaired!). I can't wait to see everyone's blog I go!
Later: I had a chance to visit just a few blogs of fellow classmates and I am very excited. There is such a diverse group of's going to be such a wonderful learning experience. A HUGE thanks to Kelly for teaching this course with everything she has going on at this time (pregnancy, moving, running a business...)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I have been reading  (and thinking) a lot about vulnerability and courage lately and what really causes us to SHINE.  I think it's wonderful to be courageous enough to expose all our gremlins; the "am I good enough?', fears, trepidations, things we hate about ourselves but are trying to accept or change etc. It gets it out in the open where we can deal with it plus others can learn and grow from our stories by realizing that these are universal feelings; part of the human experience. But that's only one side of  the story. The other part of vulnerability is also acknowledging our strengths-the "you know...I am a great baker, photographer, mother, gardener..."Not in a grandiose or narcissistic way (which isn't really vulnerability at all but rather insecurity) but in a quiet, self assured way that also encourages and supports others in their SHINING.  I think this is what really makes us shine-this very quiet and humble appreciation and declaration of all our unique gifts. Our vision and heart and mind and....are all one of a kind. Now that's  cause for celebration and SHINING...I think it is the KNOWING of our SHINING that causes us to SHINE! Today, I hope we can all SHINE a little brighter:) 

Monday, April 26, 2010


With everything going on over here these days, my life has become all about priorities. Learning to simplify, edit, leave out the unnecessary. Getting rid of clutter and junk (mental, emotional and material) and yes, always  a deep breath! The focus is on spending quality time with my baby girl and husband while also making time for me (art, photography, exercise, blogging, a quiet moment of reflection, meditation). Also important are maintaining connections and friendships, getting the house ready for sale and appreciating where I am in my journey....Starting a gratitude journal (actually part of my sketchbook!) and trying to maintain my center regardless of the whirlwind.
In other news, I have two very exciting events. The first is that my darling, amazing husband is taking us on a cruise (part of my Mothers Day gift!!). I am SO excited!  I have never been on  a cruise before plus we both really need a vacation as it has been a crazy busy time over here. The cruise in 7 days long and we are stopping in Honduras, Mexico, Grand Cayman and Belize....Too fantastic...I can't wait!!  Did I mention that I have an amazing husband?!!
Another piece of fantastic news is that I just signed up for Kelly Rae Roberts' e-course Flying Lessons. I am SO excited, I know I will learn loads;  I absolutely love her work and her shining spirit that comes through in all she does. The course starts at the end of May and is 5 weeks long. So much great stuff ahead...
So while this is an exciting whirlwind time full of change, growth and possibility...I am developing my intention of ...being in my center. I feel calm,'s all about priorities. This is my BSM (to see or participate in Tracey Clark's BSM-visit her blog at Mother May I The Blog )

Sunday, April 25, 2010

"Think Like a Tree"

Think Like a Tree
Soak up the sun
Affirm life's magic
Be graceful in the wind
Stand tall after a storm
Feel refreshed after it rains
Grow strong without notice
Be prepared for each season
Provide shelter to strangers
Hang tough through a cold spell
Emerge renewed at the first signs of spring
Stay deeply rooted while reaching for the sky
Be still long enough to
hear your own leaves rustling.
                 by Karen I. Shragg

Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Handmade Life

1. authenticity/true self
2. health
3. love/friendship
4. art/passion/creativity
5. relationship with a Higher Power
6. simplicity
7. appreciation/gratitude
8. knowledge/commitment to learning
9. humility
10. nature
Mix all ingredients well, Add a generous dash of laughter, joy, courage and tears. Bake in the golden sunshine for an hour...Eat as often as needed.
There are infinite recipes for a handmade life-different for each person and changing with circumstances along life's path. What are your ingredients?

Friday, April 23, 2010

Good Morning Friday!

I woke up a little earlier than usual this morning...I had the luxury of enjoying a quiet moment with a cup of tea before anyone else woke up:) Good morning Friday-the perfect start to a day. And GOOD MORNING FRIDAY to all of you!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


I was just on Tracey Clark's blog and her Friday Light: Evolution post resonates with me. It is SO true what she wrote about how difficult it is sometimes to fully appreciate our journey. We can't see how much we have changed because we do so a little bit at a time. A year ago, I was a brand new mom experiencing a multitude of emotions (usually all in the span of a few minutes!) and now, a year later,'s... well, pretty much the same thing! But I have grown tremendously...I have learned to trust my judgements and instincts. I have learned to adapt and multi-task and not take other peoples' advice if they don't work for my family. I have learned how to be more vulnerable, supportive and trusting. I have learned to let go and  set boundaries. Of course, its' all a work in progress and a lot of days, I have to start right back at square one! But I can see and feel the changes in me.
GROW! That has been the recurring theme the Universe has been sending me this past  while. In so many different ways-from different blog posts and challenges, books that have been coming my way, magazine articles, life circumstances... So when I saw this flower pot right in front of me...I couldn't help but smile and then...laugh out loud! This is such a period of growth that right while I am in the midst of it all-I can barely even recognize it. However, if I step back and start to get a little perspective, I am overwhelmed and humbled by what I see. And happy and appreciative too. So I bought the little flower pot and put it in my garden as a gentle remember how far I have come. The growing continues...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


It's finally official! We are moving all the way across the country to... California! This has been on the table for  quite some time...but we are now in the midst of all the hubbub that goes with a major move! So many things to do-so little time! Packing and researching and getting our home ready for sale-just way too much going on over here! Whirlwinds of change and I am trying to stand still at the center...trying to breathe and find my inner calm. "Live in the moment"-my mantra at the start of the year is now being severely tested:) Breathe...just breathe...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Right Now...

In response to Tracey Clark's post today-I can totally relate! These past few months have been full of great growth which has been both exhilarating and empowering as well as exhausting and...blah. This continues to be a time full of expansion for me; starting this blog, painting again and putting together a collection, fully stepping into motherhood and my SELF, honing my writing and photography skills...on and on and on...I am in a whirlwind right now-full of change and possibilities and new-ness. Sometimes a quiet place is all I need...some time and a few deep breaths to take me to  a place of inner calm...A place where I have the wisdom to honor all parts of my journey-even the scrambled up, not so pretty parts. I recently started meditating again, just for a few minutes a day. But these minutes grow and a practice will develop. This is where I am...right now. This is my BSM

Sunday, April 18, 2010

So Grateful...

My heart is big and wide and deep with gratitude. One of my self-portraits is featured on the blog Artists Paint Themselves. It is such a wonderful site-founded by Deborah Ross-where artists have the opportunity to post their self portraits. There are some amazing pieces of work there-so please check it out. I am SO happy:) Thank you Deborah!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Salutation of the Dawn

Look to this day!
For it is life, the very life of life,

In its brief course
Lie all the verities and realities of your existence:
The bliss of growth,
The glory of action,
The splendor of beauty,
For yesterday is but a dream
And tomorrow only a vision,
But today well lived makes every yesterday
a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to this day!
Such is the salutation of the dawn.
                               - Kalidasa
happy day!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Magic in the Mail!

I received this month's O magazine in the mail a couple of days ago and I still can't put it down! It is the 10th anniversary issue (did all that time go by so fast?)...And is it just me or is Oprah getting younger and younger??!! Like seriously...Anyways, this issue is brimming with GOODNESS! From cover to cover...there are just so many inspirational articles on everything from health, spirituality, relationships,Oprah's 10 best books of the decade, on and on...

Pages and pages of the most delectable looking cakes...(yup, these flowers are actually edible and on top of a cake!!)

And Oprah takes questions in a very candid us  a fascinating look inside her life...
I am going to be happy for days...reading bits and pieces whenever I can...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Letting Go (Spring Cleaning)

I had done this scrap layout about a month ago in response to a challenge and then either promptly forgot about it or mislaid it (still don't know which one!!). But now that I am in the midst of a huge spring cleaning and letting go of so much material junk (toys, books, clothing...things I don't need or use), I figure it's also a great time to clear out all the emotional/mental junk as well. Letting go (or the giving up) of unhealthy thoughts and processing toxic emotions to make a space for the new, the healthy, the sacred and creative. Now if only cleaning out these goblins were as easy as cleaning out the closets!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

All Life is Art

"All Life is Art"

This sketch was inspired by a quote I saw in a movie and all the gorgeous "rustiness" on Art Propelled.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sweet SUNshine!

I savor these delicious moments of sweet SUNshine...

I am participating in Tracey Clark's BSM. Visit her blog to see more or better yet, post your own Best Shot!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Whole World

This is my whole world right here-love, passion, laughter, vulnerability, sharing, friendship, family... Life. Together we walk...entwined. Happy Sunday!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Georgia on my Mind

Georgian landscape-a painting of mine from a few years ago but I posted it here now because memories of Georgia have flooded my mind. I spent quite some time there so many, many years ago and a dear friend contacted me recently. Across the chasm of time-memories and hearts collide.  I remember the hot, sultry summers, red clay and huge white magnolias heavy with scent. Jazz and gumbo, fried chicken and "y'all come back now!"...Ebenezer Baptist church, Dr. King, home of the civil rights movement, historic Black colleges and so many good friends. So many, many dear people..."Georgia on my mind"...

Friday, April 9, 2010

Assignment # 5 (?)

This is Assignment # 5 (I think!!) for Misty Mawn's Painting Portraits class. It is Watercolor on Arches Rough titled Bharata Natyam Dancer. I cropped it really close to leave some of her face out-creating mystery and a sense of the personal.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

"The Body Gift"

I have been sick these past 2 days with some mysterious flu bug that left me feeling wretched and icky (I'll spare the details!). Last night, I couldn't even drag myself to the computer to write a blog post.This morning, though, as if by magic, I woke up feeling just fine! I am going to spend today being mindful of how fortunate I am for my good health that I normally take for granted. Here is a favorite poem of mine by amazing poet Mary Oliver. Read it out loud, savour it...feel it ...sweet, like honey, dripping from your mouth...and be amazed at the miraculous gift of your body.

The feet of the heron, under the bamboo stems,
hold the blue body, the great beak
above the shallows of the pond.
Who could guess their patience?
Sometimes the toes shake, like worms.
What fish could resist?
Or think of the cricket, his green hooks
climbing the blade of grass-
or think of camel feet like ear muffs,
striding over the sand-or think of your own
slapping along the highway,
a long life of many miles.
To each of us comes the body gift.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Art Seeks Expression

Art seeks expression like the body needs oxygen, like a flower needs the sun...What is your form of expression? Writing, gardening, painting, loving, dancing, running...? There are infinite ways...